Mouse | AI Design League NYC

AI Design League NYC

A yearlong, funded partnership between Mouse and NYC Public Schools to foster youth voice and digital innovation

Middle and high school teachers at NYC public schools across the city are bringing Mouse's AI Design League program into their classrooms, guiding student teams as they create meaningful original tech projects, to address a social need in their communities.

Are you interested in the 2024-2025 AI Design League NYC program?

Building on three years of amazing programming focused on youth voice and digital innovation, Mouse is looking to gauge interest for the 2024-2025 school year. Our application isn't open yet, but if you're interested in being part of AI Design League next year, please fill out the following interest form:

Questions? Email:

School Eligibility

★ Are you an NYC public middle school or high school?

★ Are you invested in providing transformative, design thinking-based professional development opportunities for your teachers?

★ Are you interested in bringing career connected learning opportunities through tech industry professional mentorships?

★ Are you committed to fostering youth voice, creativity, and project-based learning?

Learn more About AI Design League in NYCPS

STUDENTS & EDUCATORS share AI Design League's impact in the classrooms:

ALUMNI share AI Design League's impact on their careers:

Educator Impact Highlights



7+ hours of Professional Development

Empower educators with Design Thinking pedagogy, to transform classroom experiences.

Professional Peer Connections

Membership in AI Design League Professional Learning Communities (PLC) for continued growth

Computer Science Literacy Training

Training in Artificial Intelligence, UX/UI, coding, computational thinking

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Literacy

Training in digital app design, wireframing & prototype development

Data-driven Tools for Student Performance

Access to pre- and post-student measurement data in SEL & career readiness

Educator Micro-Credential

Design Thinking Educator Micro-Credential backed by Credly, obtained by completing the digital portfolio

Digital Portfolios

Educators document their program integration plan, their learning and reflection, and their students’ progress

Community Engagement

Leadership opportunity with AI Design League Student App Presentation Day

Content Library Access

Access to AI Design League digital learning platform and curriculum on Mouse Create, which includes over 200+ STEM resources and activities.

Student Impact Highlights



Career Connected Learning

Access the problem-finding and problem-solving skills required for accessing the jobs of tomorrow.

University Pathways

Connect AI Design League students to opportunities to further their STEM education at major academic institutions across the country

Tech Professional Mentorships

Build relationships with tech professionals who help students see themselves belonging within tech career pathways.

Computer Science & STEM Learning

Skills include: Computational Thinking, Digital Fluency, User Research and Design Thinking, User-Centric Design Principles, and Human-Centered Design Methodology

Design Thinking Learning

Skills include: Problem-solving and Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Teamwork, Project Management

Social-Emotional & Career Readiness

Capacities include: Goal Orientation, Growth Orientation, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Mindset

Communication & Presentation Skills

Communicate complex ideas concisely and effectively, enhancing their presentation and public speaking skills.

94% of students grew career readiness capacities (like goal orientation, creativity + innovation).

The highest growth for Student's Career Readiness capacity is seen in Goal Orientation and Creativity and Innovation.

Learn more about student outcomes and see example projects. AI Design League Main Page >

About Our Partnership

2023-2024 Mouse AI Design League Program

In 2023-2024, Mouse supported 36 schools across New York City's five boroughs in partnership with New York City Public Schools.

  • 2860 students -- engaged with AI Design League curriculum in classrooms and after school programs.

  • 58 teachers -- received professional development and individual coaching sessions, in partnership with each school’s designated AI Design League Ambassador (Principal, AP, or designee).

  • 80 tech and design professionals -- spent over 130 hours mentoring classes of students and reviewing projects as students developed community-centered design projects.

  • 210+ final projects -- were presented at school-wide fairs, and winners had the opportunity to showcase their projects at the 2024 Emoti-Con.

Additional ways to participate in AI Design League

Not a NYC public school teacher?

Run AI Design League yourself (from anywhere!) with the Design with Purpose course on Mouse Create, which has 200+ hands-on projects. Fill out this interest form for more information and get help to running AI Design League!

Questions? Email:

Connect With Us

Connect with our community of educators, connect with our Mouse family members, and more.