Mouse | Mouse California Hosts Educator's Summit at Oracle

April 19, 2016

Mouse California Hosts Educator's Summit at Oracle

On Wednesday, March 9th, 35 educators from across the San Francisco Bay Area gathered at Oracle for Mouse California’s fifth annual Educator’s Summit.

The highlight of the afternoon was the time Mouse Coordinators spent learning from each other, sharing their best practices and greatest challenges. Coordinators ranged from first year participants to veterans, with a few teachers that have been involved with Mouse for nearly ten years!

After a delicious lunch provided by Oracle, Coordinators spent the afternoon learning about the activities in Green Tech. They built generators and conducted an energy audit of the room’s devices. The generators were a tough challenge to build, requiring troubleshooting and tinkering to get them just right.

When the lights in the generator came on, there was a loud cheer and several high fives. Imagine how youth will feel when they succeed! Thanks to Oracle for supporting Mouse California and the teachers who bring Mouse to their students every day.


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