Mouse Squad Students Confirm the Significant Impact of Mouse!
We are very pleased to share the results of our Annual Program Evaluation (FY12) and extend our huge thanks to the hundreds of students and coordinators that provided meaningful and relevant feedback about their experiences with Mouse! In partnership with Action Evaluation Collaborative (AEC), the Mouse Program Evaluation involves a highly participatory approach and includes interviews, surveys and outreach to Mouse Squads across the country.
Feedback from our Annual Program Evaluation (FY12) reaffirms the significant impact of Mouse programs:
- Youth: Mouse programs result in positive outcomes for Squad members, including improved professional and organizational skills, increased confidence, developing positive relationships and a strengthened sense of future college and career aspirations.
- Educators: Mouse programs support teachers in more effectively using computers in the classroom and fully integrating technology into their curriculum and teaching.
- Schools: Mouse Squad is having a significant impact on schools by increasing the quality and quantity of technical support available and creating a positive youth development culture.
As a result of their participation in Mouse Squad, youth report that they:
- 96%: Have improved communications, problem solving, teambuilding and leadership skills
- 95%: Have increased confidence and a more positive view of their future
- 92%: Believe they can make a difference in their community and the world
- 87%: Are better prepared for college
- 87%: Are more motivated to pursue a career in technology, math, science or engineering
The program evaluation also confirmed a strong relationship between youth development outcomes. As youth develop technology skills, they cultivate strong professional competencies and positive relationships, which in turn support a positive sense of self and of future aspirations. Additionally, the longer students participate in Mouse programs, the greater the positive impact across all youth development outcomes.
Lastly, this evaluation highlights the meaningful and central role our Adult Coordinators play in the implementation of successful Mouse Squad programs. Overwhelmingly, Mouse Squad members shared that their coordinators provide them with a positive, welcoming and encouraging learning environment in which to thrive.
We look forward to using the feedback from our Program Evaluation from FY12 to directly impact our programming for the current school year (FY13)!