Mouse | Energy Activism at Baruch High School in New York City

March 28, 2015

Energy Activism at Baruch High School in New York City

The MOUSE students of Baruch College Campus High School (BCCHS) presented three incredible proposals on how to lower the carbon footprint of their school as part of the final project of our Green Tech curriculum. 

In the weeks leading up to their presentation, each group formulated their proposals and practiced their presentation skills with the assistance of mentors from Credit Suisse.

Students pitching ideas for green changes in community

Students pitching their ideas for green changes in community.

Each team of students pitched “Green Baruch” campaigns to a guest audience of BCCHS faculty and mentors from Credit Suisse. After presenting, students took questions from the audience about the potential impact of their plans as well as their viability.

Huge congrats to the “Green Giants” team and their winning proposal which will reduce and conserve electricity using timers provided by NYU Polytechnic. The timers will be installed in rooms and onto devices across BCCHS, enabling devices to automatically turn off after school hours. Students will continue to implement and document the winning proposal throughout the school year!
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