Holiday Mouse MicroProject Winners
Happy 2017! Over the holidays, we asked you to experiment with JavaScript and time travel by creating a chatbot that lets you talk to someone from the past or future! We received tons of awesome submissions that ranged from the serious and informative to playful and zany. Thank you all for submitting your chatbots!
Grand Prize
Winning our Grand Prize are Ben & Cole from the Orinda Intermediate School in California. This submission deserves recognition for both effort and personality: Ben & Cole programmed a whopping 60 secret responses into their chatbot to make it feel more personalized.
Most chatbots that were submitted followed a single script with a few options for the bot to reply directly to the user, but this bot is very comfortable going off script. It reacts well to a number of responses you throw at it, usually responding with an answer related to what the creators called “cake and other robot nonsense.” Congrats Ben & Cole!

Runner Up
Our 1st Runner up is the whole team over at P.S. 139Q in New York! We want to give a special shoutout to the bots created by Emma & Evan and by Sophia C. and Bhone. Emma's & Evan's chatbot was an excellent example of the great work all the P.S. 139Q students put into their submissions. Emma & Evan redesigned the layout of their chatbot to make it more unique and stylish. Then they went a step further, focusing their chatbot responses around guessing the identity of a historical figure. Can you guess who it is?

Sophia’s and Bhone's submission also focused on a historical figure but added a twist: a time traveler has changed this figure’s life and needs your help to turn him back into the person he originally was. Excellent job Emma, Evan, Sophia, Bhone, and everyone at P.S. 139Q!

Runner Up
Our 2nd Runner Up is a student at Andrew Jackson Language Academy in Illinois. We really enjoyed the positivity in this submission. There are 16 riddles coded into the responses and each has an upbeat message as the given answer. Great job, Andrew Jackson Language Academy!

Our honorable mentions go out this month to:
“Sans the skeleton” by another student at the Orinda Intermediate School for its great sense of humour.

Thank you everyone for such terrific submissions!
Our February MicroProject is already posted and awaiting your new submissions! This month your challenge is to make an original epic font!