Mouse | Mouse Spotlight: Sisters-N-Technology

January 30, 2020

Mouse Spotlight: Sisters-N-Technology

Sisters-N-Technology is an after-school program in Minneapolis that focuses on coding and STEM by using tools like Mouse Create with their students. Their mission is to engage young women in disadvantaged communities to enter computer science and IT-related fields.

Thomas Waltower, CEO of Sisters-N-Technology, created this group because he has daughters at home and was dismayed to find that the only afterschool enrichment options available to girls that he could find were through sports.

Waltower has partnered with Mouse to provide STEM and Creative Computing curriculum as part of the Sisters-N-Technology program. With seven programs at seven different schools, all throughout Minneapolis, Sisters-N-Technology is using the full potential of Mouse Create to focus on different aspects of STEM.

At South High School, students challenge each other in a contest to design the best game. Students at North High School are currently working on the Arduino Sound Machine Project. E-STEM Middle School is working on earning Design with Purpose Badges on Mouse Create through Credly. Breck High School created a mentorship program in which high school students mentor middle school students in their computer science courses. This summer, those high school students will run two coding camps for middle school students.

group picture of Sisters-N-Technology students with sponsors.

Data released by Google and Microsoft report that women represent just 31 percent of Google’s workforce, and 26 percent of Microsoft’s. Black technical workers at Apple account for only 6 percent of their workforce, with women making up 32 percent of their total workforce. With these numbers in mind, Waltower hopes to give girls in his community a platform to shape the new future.

“Women need this experience. For instance, a single mom is going to be able to work from home and provide for her family because of technology.”

Sisters-N-Technology students around a white table

With seven sites and several high profile trips to Silicon Valley and pitches to Salesforce and Facebook in 2019, Sisters-N-Technology is making its presence known and paving a new forward for their students.

Mouse is proud to work with and recognize amazing programs like Sisters-N-Technology, which embodies Mouse’s mission to empower all students to use technology as a force for good.

Mouse would like to thank ArcherPoint for sponsoring Sisters-N-Technology to have a Full Membership on Mouse Create.

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